
Oh, quién sufriera su correspondencia con la misma intensidad que yo sentía su indomable atractivo. Comparada con ella Diana era una vulgar campesina entre todos los dioses, especialmente los dioses planetarios. Oh, aquella golondrina de brumoso cuerpo, cinturón níveo y labios encendidos. Aplasté mi gorro frigio entre mis nudillos para poder refrenar mis atávicos deseos…

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I knew in my first visit the Mount Olympus. Hopefully and it had never known it. Its beauty was so irrefrenable for the instincts as the necessity of wings for the birds. It fitted, like only dress, a voluptuoso belt made with swan pens that emphasized its indefinable but sicalíptico color of skin. Oh, who underwent its correspondence with the same intensity that I felt his indomitable attractiveness. Compared with her Morning call she was a vulgar farmer between all the Gods, specially the planetary Gods. Oh, that wanderer of foggy body, níveo belt and ignited lips. I squashed my cap frigio between my knuckles to be able to check my atavic nerves graphical Great Priest Heráldicos symbols lamp moon metals pink music planets quinario bronze human face septenario Taurus temple zigurat summer Symbols Window allegories