En la trampilla

La trampilla estaba cerrada, sin embargo, nadie se ha extrañado de que el Administrador general, a pesar de que no es su costumbre, estuviera por allí. Yo le he saludado amablemente y, debido a la poca simpatía que siempre despierta en mí, me he largado a otra cosa, mariposa.

Mi curiosidad no ha quedado satisfecha. Me he escondido tras los contenedores y he esperado acontecimientos. Algo ocurre aquí. Esto no es normal. ¿A qué viene esa amabilidad en el saludo? Algo oculta tras esa cínica sonrisa.

Y efectivamente, mis sospechas se han confirmado. Ahora llega el Intendente mayor. Está claro que han quedado aquí intencionadamente y no es un encuentro casual, como han pretendido simular. Esto cada vez huele peor. Los dos buitres reunidos. Oveja muerta.

¿Pero como es posible que haya una trampilla de transbordador en un balneario?

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women regarded as a source of sexual gratification

women regarded as a source of sexual gratification

was that remark directed at me?



The hatch
The hatch was closed, nevertheless, nobody has been surprised of which the general Administrator, although it is not his custom, was that way. I have saluted to him amiably and, due to the little always wide-awake affection that in me, I have released myself to another thing, butterfly.
My curiosity has not been satisfied. I have hidden after the containers and I have waited for events. Something happens here. This is not normal. To what that amiability in the greeting comes? Something hides after that cynical smile.
And indeed, my suspicions have been confirmed. Now the greater Intendant arrives. It is clear that they have been here deliberately and is not an accidental encounter, since they have tried to simulate. This every time smells worse. Vultures both reunited. Dead ewe.
But like it is possible that there is a hatch of ferry in a bath?