
Todas las noches a las tres, cuando cerraban el BAR KISS, Donato cogía su bandolera y su silbato, el que le regaló un poli de la comisaría de municipales, y se marchaba a su casa. Cuando pasaba por la esquina de la comisaría le silbaba al de la puerta, como si tuviera que recordarle que seguía conservando el silbato, o simplemente por que le hacía gracia “tocarle el pito a la policia” – decía jocosamente a su amigo “El chino”. Al Chino le hizo tanta gracia la primera vez que se lo contó que tuvo que ir a mearse en la obra.

Cuando llegó a casa su mujer ya dormía. “Gracias a dios – pensó – con lo insoportable que es esa vaca del asfalto”.

Tenía que trabajar hasta las cuatro de la madrugada en el coño de Madrid y encima tener que soportar a esa mala bestia. Como de costumbre se hizo una paja en el baño y se fue a acostar al salón para no despabilar a su mujer.

A las cinco y media se despertó sobresaltado. Estaba sudando. Soñaba. Deliraba. Augusto disecaba a su mujer y luego la policía venía a detenerlo a él y se lo llevaban a la cárcel y en la cárcel le clavaban plumas de loro hasta que le reventaban las tripas y Augusto sonreía con cara de estúpido. ¡Menudo pájaro, menudo pájaro! – gritaba “El Loro”- y en ese momento despertó.

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All the nights to three, when they closed the BAR KISS, Donato took its brigand and its whistle, the one that gave poli to him of the police station of policemen, and left to its house. When it passed by the corner of the police station whistled to him to the one of the door, as if it had to remember to him that it continued conserving the whistle, or simply so that made grace “touch to him to him the whistle to the police” – humorous said to its friend “the Chinese”. To the Chinese the first time did as much grace to him that was told it that had to go to piss to works of opposite.
When she arrived at house her woman already slept. “Thanks to God – it thought – with the unbearable thing that it is that cow of asphalt”.
It had to work until the four of the dawn in coño of Madrid and above to have to support to that bad beast. As usual a straw in the bath was made and it went away to lay down to the hall not to despabilar to his woman.
To five and the average one one awoke frightened. It was sweating. It dreamed. It was delirious. Augusto dissected its woman and soon the police came to stop it to him and they took it to the jail and in the jail they nailed parrot pens to him until the guts burst to him and Augusto smiled with face of stupid. Slight bird, slight bird! – the Parrot shouted “” – and then it woke up.



All the nights to three, when they closed the BAR KISS, Donato took its brigand and its whistle, the one that gave poli to him of the police station of policemen, and left to its house. When it passed by the corner of the police station whistled to him to the one of the door, as if it had to remember to him that it continued conserving the whistle, or simply so that made grace “touch to him to him the whistle to the police” – humorous said to its friend “the Chinese”. To the Chinese the first time did as much grace to him that was told it that had to go to piss to works of opposite.
When she arrived at house her woman already slept. “Thanks to God – it thought – with the unbearable thing that it is that cow of asphalt”.
It had to work until the four of the dawn in coño of Madrid and above to have to support to that bad beast. As usual a straw in the bath was made and it went away to lay down to the hall not to despabilar to his woman.
To five and the average one one awoke frightened. It was sweating. It dreamed. It was delirious. Augusto dissected its woman and soon the police came to stop it to him and they took it to the jail and in the jail they nailed parrot pens to him until the guts burst to him and Augusto smiled with face of stupid. Slight bird, slight bird! – the Parrot shouted “” – and then it woke up.