El viento golpeaba la lona contra los andamios. Frío y sol radiante típico de Enero. En la esquina, Boni, que siempre llevaba los antebrazos al descubierto, se contoneaba con la rodilla doblada. En ese momento estaba ella sola en la calle. Era como un ensayo para cuando viniera un cliente. Se cruzó la eterna malla transparente que cubría sus pechos como una vieja que arregla su toquilla para entrar a misa. A través de ella se desbordaban sus enormes y blandos senos como de plástico. De pronto se percató de que la miraban.

BONI. Ya está aquí otra vez ese desgraciao. Yo me voy.

Boni puso sus tacones en marcha.

Boni no hacía ascos a nadie. Sólo una persona le resultaba imposible de soportar. Augusto producía en ella una repulsión instintiva. Con esa cara de moscote muerto que pone, esa sonrisa de estúpido y esos andares…

BONI. Eso jamás, –decía- no lo haría ni por mi madre. A mi no me hace ese lo que le hizo a la Pepi…

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The wind struck the canvas against the scaffolds. Cold and typical radiating sun of January. In the Boni corner, that always took the forearms in the open, contoneaba with the doubled knee. Then she was single she in the street. It was like a test for when a client came. The Mayan transparency was crossed that covered its chests like an old one which it fixes his toquilla to enter mass. Through her enormous and soft sines like of plastic were overflowed their. Suddenly one noticed that they watched it.
– desgraciao is Already here again that. I go away. – and he put his heels in march.
Boni did not make disgusts to anybody. Only one person was impossible to support to him. Augusto produced in her an instinctive repulsion. With that face of moscote died that puts, that stupid smile of and those andares… That never, – it said would not do it nor by my mother. To my it does not do that to me what it did to him to the Pepi.



The wind struck the canvas against the scaffolds. Cold and typical radiating sun of January. In the Boni corner, that always took the forearms in the open, contoneaba with the doubled knee. Then she was single she in the street. It was like a test for when a client came. The Mayan transparency was crossed that covered its chests like an old one which it fixes his toquilla to enter mass. Through her enormous and soft sines like of plastic were overflowed their. Suddenly one noticed that they watched it.
– desgraciao is Already here again that. I go away. – and he put his heels in march.
Boni did not make disgusts to anybody. Only one person was impossible to support to him. Augusto produced in her an instinctive repulsion. With that face of moscote died that puts, that stupid smile of and those andares… That never, – it said would not do it nor by my mother. To my it does not do that to me what it did to him to the Pepi.