¿Un porvito mi arma – le dice al…

—¿Un porvito, mi arma? – le dice al pequeño japonés con cara de inocente.
—¡Un porvito, hombre…! …tres mil quinientas por ser tú… más la cama.

Tras un titubeo, asiente con la cabeza y una sonrisa. La lozana echa a andar y él la sigue como un corderito, como un niño malo sigue a su madre después de hacer una travesura. Ella por delante, en cambio, como si llevara a su hijo a hacer la primera comunión, orgullosa y altanera.

La generosa andaluza no necesitaba rogar mucho a los clientes, todos caían como moscas, ella los elegía cómo y cuándo le apetecía.

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The Lozana Andalusian
– a porvito, my weapon? – it says to him to small the Japanese with innocent face.
– …?
– a porvito, man…… three thousands five hundred being you… plus the bed.
After a titubeo, it seats with the head and a smile. The lozana throws to walk and it follows it like a corderito, as a bad boy follows his mother after making a prank. She, however, as if he took to his son to make the first comunión, proud and ahead arrogant.
The generous Andalusian did not need to request much to the clients, all fell like flies, she chose them how and when she desired to him.



The Lozana Andalusian
– a porvito, my weapon? – it says to him to small the Japanese with innocent face.
– …?
– a porvito, man…… three thousands five hundred being you… plus the bed.
After a titubeo, it seats with the head and a smile. The lozana throws to walk and it follows it like a corderito, as a bad boy follows his mother after making a prank. She, however, as if he took to his son to make the first comunión, proud and ahead arrogant.
The generous Andalusian did not need to request much to the clients, all fell like flies, she chose them how and when she desired to him.