
—¡Evribody… Internasional stop! – gritaba, y daba besos al aire cuando pasaban los clientes con “pasta” –la contraseña del Bar Kiss, donde trabajaba- o cantaba sapore di sare, sapore di mare, sapore di te… o silbaba una melodía romanticona y de lo más cursi a los dorados y adinerados nuevos ricos y buscones que entraban al Bar Kiss.

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– Evribody… Internasional stop!

it shouted, and it gave kisses to the air when they passed the clients with “paste” – the pas-sword of the bar Kiss, where it worked or it sang sapore I gave sare, sapore I gave mare, sapore I gave you… or whistled one melodía romanticona and of most pretentious to gilded and wealthy the new rich and petty thieves who entered the Bar.