Facundo “el polla mecánica”

Labios finos, cejas finas, ojos saltones, calvo, macilento y recto como el cartón, esperaba frente a la puerta con la mirada inerte de un asesino. Una mueca indefinida en su cara, una extraña sonrisita que nunca se sabía si era de simpleza, decepción o desconfianza. Le llamaban “El polla mecánica”, aunque su verdadero nombre era Facundo. Acudía con la regularidad de un autómata todos los miércoles a las siete de la tarde y se quedaba inmóvil frente a la puerta hasta que “su novia” – como le decían las otras putas – aparecía flamante tras los cristales.

Facundo no tenía polla; se la habían cortado sus padres cuando era pequeño porque hubieran querido tener una hija y les vino aquel “pollastre” – como decía su padre.

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Mechanical pullet
Fine lips, fine eyebrows, eyes bulging, bald, macilento and rectum like the cardboard, hoped in front of the door with the inert glance of an assassin. An indefinite face in its face, one surprises faint smile that never knew if era of simpleza, deception or distrust. They called “the mechanical pullet to him”, although its true name was Facundo. Wednesdays went with the regularity of a robot all to seven of afternoon and the door was had left immovable front until “her fiancèe” – as they said to the others putas to him – appeared flaming after crystals.

Facundo did not have pullet; their parents had cut themselves to it when he was small because they had wanted to have a daughter and “pollastre” came that to them – as his father said.



Mechanical pullet
Fine lips, fine eyebrows, eyes bulging, bald, macilento and rectum like the cardboard, hoped in front of the door with the inert glance of an assassin. An indefinite face in its face, one surprises faint smile that never knew if era of simpleza, deception or distrust. They called “the mechanical pullet to him”, although its true name was Facundo. Wednesdays went with the regularity of a robot all to seven of afternoon and the door was had left immovable front until “her fiancèe” – as they said to the others putas to him – appeared flaming after crystals.

Facundo did not have pullet; their parents had cut themselves to it when he was small because they had wanted to have a daughter and “pollastre” came that to them – as his father said.