El Loro

—¡Copas y señoritas! Entra, entra, caballero… ¡Tú, Donato, tráete la leche, joder! –dijo con voz atiplada-. “El Loro”, con su nariz de cacatúa, su melena de sota y su cuerpo de tonel jorobado y paticorto, invitaba a los transeúntes y trotacalles a pasar al “Baby Club”.
—¡No, si al final tendré que ir yo, joder! ¡Señoritas,… copas! – gritaba “El Loro”.
—¡Qué te follen, maricón! – replicó Donato.
—¿Una copita, caballero? … ¡cállate, papagayo, que hablas más que un sacamuelas!

Al rato apareció con un vaso de leche en la mano andando como si sólo tuviera la pierna derecha, con la que daba unos pasos mucho más grandes y pausados que con la izquierda como si fuera a desnivelarse a cada momento.

—¡Menudo pájaro el Augusto! ¿Tas enterao? Tenía a su mujer fiambre hace tres meses y ni la olían. ¡Menudo pájaro!

—La Jenifer, que le lleves la leche de una puta vez.

—¡Señorita Jenifer, que ya va! … con su mujer fiambre en el salón, y sentá en la butaca, fiambre, más tiesa q’un chuzo, como si estuviera viendo la tele.

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The parrot
– Drinks and young ladies! It enters, it enters, man… You, Donato, tráete milk, fucking! – it said with raised the pitch of voice -.”the Parrot”, with its nose of cockatoo, its melena of sota and its body of jorobado barrel and paticorto, invited to the passers-by and trotacalles to pass to the “Baby Club”.
– No, if in the end I must go, fucking! Young ladies… glasses! – the Parrot shouted “”.
– What follen to you, fag! – Donato talked back.
– One cotoots, horseman? … cállate, papagayo, that you speak more than sacamuelas!
In the short while she appeared with a milk glass in the hand walking as if only it had the right leg, with which much more took great and slowed down steps that with the left as if goes to become uneven frequently.
– Slight bird the Augusto! Anvil enterao? It had to its woman cold cuts three months ago and nor they smelled it. Slight bird!
– the Jenifer, that you have been to the one milk puta time to him.
– Jenifer Young lady, who already goes! … with its woman cold cuts in the hall, and sentá in the armchair, cold cuts, stiffer q’un chuzo, as if it was seeing tv.



The parrot
– Drinks and young ladies! It enters, it enters, man… You, Donato, tráete milk, fucking! – it said with raised the pitch of voice -.”the Parrot”, with its nose of cockatoo, its melena of sota and its body of jorobado barrel and paticorto, invited to the passers-by and trotacalles to pass to the “Baby Club”.
– No, if in the end I must go, fucking! Young ladies… glasses! – the Parrot shouted “”.
– What follen to you, fag! – Donato talked back.
– One cotoots, horseman? … cállate, papagayo, that you speak more than sacamuelas!
In the short while she appeared with a milk glass in the hand walking as if only it had the right leg, with which much more took great and slowed down steps that with the left as if goes to become uneven frequently.
– Slight bird the Augusto! Anvil enterao? It had to its woman cold cuts three months ago and nor they smelled it. Slight bird!
– the Jenifer, that you have been to the one milk puta time to him.
– Jenifer Young lady, who already goes! … with its woman cold cuts in the hall, and sentá in the armchair, cold cuts, stiffer q’un chuzo, as if it was seeing tv.