Ani Cooper

Cuando se le ocurrió algo que decir lo dijo. Así era Ani Cooper. Siempre decía lo primero que pasaba por su cabeza. Afortunadamente era poco y muy de tarde en tarde. Pero esta vez algo me decía que su cabeza no iba a parar. ¿Qué repentina inspiración le picaba? ¿De dónde salía toda aquella verborrea? ¿Verborrea? ¿Era acaso verborrea? No parecía así a medida que avanzaba su discurso. Las caras de los concurrentes así lo demostraban. Esa incredulidad e indiferencia habituales se iban transformando poco a poco en extrañeza primero, en sorpresa después, en franca admiración por último.

Pregúntale a Ani Cooper, decían todos. Y llevaban razón. Su cabeza tenía todas las respuestas. Su consejo siempre era el más acertado. ¿Cómo era posible tal prodigio? Nadie lo sabe. Tampoco nadie se atrevió a preguntárselo jamás. Bueno, no sé si debo decir “se atrevió”, quizás simplemente siempre tenían preguntas más acuciantes sobre si mismos. El caso es que ni siquiera yo, que nunca sentí la necesidad de preguntarle por mi mismo, pero sí la curiosidad de saberlo, encontré la ocasión de saberlo … Ahora las conjeturas me permiten deducir su secreto. Las preguntas, y por tanto también las respuestas, se repetían más que los universos paralelos. No había truco, ni secreto, ni magia, ni cualquier otra causa sobrenatural… Ani Cooper conocía la psicología de la gente, tan simple y común, en el fondo.

—Basta escuchar -decía. La pregunta en sí misma ya da la respuesta a la mitad de lo que se quiere saber y la otra mitad es fácil suponerla. ¡Ese era todo su secreto!

¿Como es posible que esto nos haya ocurrido precisamente a nosotros?

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Ani CooperWhen something was happened to him that to say said it. Thus it was Ani Cooper. It always said first that it happened through his head. Luckyly it was little and very from time to time. But this time something said to me that its head was not going to stop. What sudden inspiration itched to him? From where it left all that verborrea? Verborrea? He was perhaps verborrea? It did not seem thus as it advanced his speech. The faces of the contenders therefore demonstrated it. That habitual incredulity and indifference were transformed little by little surprise first, surprise later, frank admiration finally.
Pregúntale to Ani Cooper, said all. And they took reason. Its head had all the answers. His advice always was the most guessed right. How was possible such prodigy? Nobody knows it. Nobody either dared to never ask it to it. Good, I do not know if I must say “dared”, perhaps simply always had more pressing questions on themselves. The case is that not even I, that never I felt the necessity to ask to him for same me, but the curiosity of knowing it, I found the occasion of knowing it… Now the conjectures allow to deduce their secret me. The questions, and therefore also the answers, were repeated more than the parallel universes. There was trick, neither secret, nor magic, nor no any other supernatural cause… Ani Cooper knew psychology people, so simple and common, at heart.
– Coarse to listen – it said. The question in itself already gives the answer to half of which it is wanted to know and other half is easy to suppose it. That was all its secret!
As it is possible that this has happened to us indeed to us?



Ani CooperWhen something was happened to him that to say said it. Thus it was Ani Cooper. It always said first that it happened through his head. Luckyly it was little and very from time to time. But this time something said to me that its head was not going to stop. What sudden inspiration itched to him? From where it left all that verborrea? Verborrea? He was perhaps verborrea? It did not seem thus as it advanced his speech. The faces of the contenders therefore demonstrated it. That habitual incredulity and indifference were transformed little by little surprise first, surprise later, frank admiration finally.
Pregúntale to Ani Cooper, said all. And they took reason. Its head had all the answers. His advice always was the most guessed right. How was possible such prodigy? Nobody knows it. Nobody either dared to never ask it to it. Good, I do not know if I must say “dared”, perhaps simply always had more pressing questions on themselves. The case is that not even I, that never I felt the necessity to ask to him for same me, but the curiosity of knowing it, I found the occasion of knowing it… Now the conjectures allow to deduce their secret me. The questions, and therefore also the answers, were repeated more than the parallel universes. There was trick, neither secret, nor magic, nor no any other supernatural cause… Ani Cooper knew psychology people, so simple and common, at heart.
– Coarse to listen – it said. The question in itself already gives the answer to half of which it is wanted to know and other half is easy to suppose it. That was all its secret!
As it is possible that this has happened to us indeed to us?