
La nave República partió del muelle de carga un 27 de mayo. Nadie sabe de que año. Esperamos su llegada al destino programado en el próximo milenio. Ojalá sea para bien y mucho antes. La carga que transportaba era esperada con impaciencia en los muelles de la Confederación desde siglos atrás. Todos los preparativos están a punto y se revisan en tiempo y forma apropiados. Los confederados afilan su impaciencia. Los no confederados ríen. Veremos quién ríe finalmente el último. Es más, quién dejará su sarcástica sonrisa congelada para siempre. ¡Mamuts prehistóricos!
— Aviso, todo lo expresado en estas páginas es ficticio, cualquier parecido con la realidad es pura coincidencia. Los administradores no se hacen responsables de su contenido como tampoco lo son de sus actos, aunque sean hijos directos de ellos –dijo el general Disclaimer.
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The ship Republic left from the loading platform 27 of May. Nobody knows that year. We waited for its arrival to the destiny programmed in the next millenium. Hopefully it is for good and long before. The load that transported was awaited with impatience in the wharves of the Confederation from centuries back. All the preparations are to point and they are reviewed in time and forms appropriate. The confederados ones sharpen their impatience. Confederados they do not laugh. We will see who rie finally the last one. It is more, who will leave its sarcastic smile congealed for always. Mamuts prehistoric!



The ship Republic left from the loading platform 27 of May. Nobody knows that year. We waited for its arrival to the destiny programmed in the next millenium. Hopefully it is for good and long before. The load that transported was awaited with impatience in the wharves of the Confederation from centuries back. All the preparations are to point and they are reviewed in time and forms appropriate. The confederados ones sharpen their impatience. Confederados they do not laugh. We will see who rie finally the last one. It is more, who will leave its sarcastic smile congealed for always. Mamuts prehistoric!